Grell, Sophie C.

Sophie C. Grell *1975, is an artist and architect, she works, lives and teaches in Vienna.


Sophie works on research projects in the field of architectural theory, art and science. Her works reflect her personal approach to the subject of change, time and space. The three-dimensionality of parallel narratives and emotions find expression in the process nature of her morphogenic images.

She is a member of the Austrian Federal Chamber of Architects and Engineers (civil engineer) and of the Institute for Architecture at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, where she is Univ. Ass. at Studio Hani Rashid and the Applied Design Concepts seminar, taught with Jose Carlos Lopez Cervantes. She also teaches at the Institute for Urban Design (iuod) at the University of Innsbruck.

Sophie studied art history at the University of Vienna and architecture at UCLA, Los Angeles and the University of Applied Arts Vienna, where she completed her master's degree in architecture with honors in 2006. She was co-founder and editor-in-chief of PRINZ EISENBETON LIFE Magazine. She gained professional experience as an architect at Coop Himmelb(l)au in Vienna, Los Angeles and Mexico, where she worked as chief designer for numerous projects.


2022 Villa Claudia, Unterm Strich. von der Zeichnung und darüber hinaus. Gruppenausstellung

2022 Artenne Nenzing, Wenn Material zur Form wird. Gruppenausstellung

2016 Alban Berg Skulptur/ mit Wolf D. Prix, Skulptur, Opernplatz,Wien

2015 -Wien for Art´s sake! Archiv Österreich, Gegenwartskunst
Gruppenausstellung im Winterpalais Prinz Eugen, Belvedere, Wien Kunstwerke von 161 ausgewählten Künstlern / Architekten / Designern mit 13 ortsspezifischen Kunstinterventionen. 27. Februar – 31. Mai 2015.

2014 CHBL Jammer Coat, conceptual clothing, mit Wolf D. Prix für die Ausstellung “Abiti da lavoro”, Triennale in Milan, ausgestellt in zahlreichen weiteren Ausstellungen.

2006 ROCK OVER BAROCK, Galerie Ikona, Venedig Jung & schön: 7 + 2 (Artec Architekten, Stiefel Kramer, Klaus Stattmann, Urs Bette, Delugan-Meissl, the next ENTERprise Architekten, Wolfgang Tschapeller – Sophie Grell, Tercer Piso, Gruppenausstellung

2005 ROCK OVER BAROCK „ Kunsthaus Mürz Zuschlag, wie oben

2005 ROCK OVER BAROCK „ Aedes Galerie, Berlin, wie oben

2006 THE ESSENCE - Jahresabschlussausstellung der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien, MAK, Künstlerhaus Wien, u.a. Gruppenausstellung

2000 STUDIO PRIX, Zürich Kosmos, Schwarzenbergplatz 15, Wien, Gruppenausstellung

1999/00 LEBEN DER ZUKUNFT, Kika Wien Nord, Wien; Atelierpreis/ Gruppenausstellung

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