Holzer, Conni

I make transmedia art in the sense of in between, through and across different media: painting (preferably large-scale oil paintings), drawing, performance, voice, poetry, video and installation are part and/or result of my artistic processes. My art is about experiencing complexity, especially the complexity in interactions between individual psychic processes and social structures, mixing my background in art therapy and cultural social anthropology. I am trying to catch a sense of wholeness, interested in the contradictive, the earnest nakedness and sparks of shared truth. I cherish the moment of encounter when artist, audience, space and time merge into an atmosphere, connected with each other on several layers of existence. I feel like the conductor, who initiates this moment and guides with her intention into an atmosphere, which fosters healing impulses. Participative elements add to this, through integrating thoughts, feelings or actions of the audience into the process. I work in several layers, either in one media, like on one painting, or in an audio collage, or/and by passing through different media, where each adds another layer of experience to the topic. Revealing authenticity, facing fears and sharing hidden parts of ourselves are important aspects of my art, also as a therapeutic and political act.


1988 in Lustenau (A) geboren
Mit 15 Jahren Ölmalerei bei Ernestine van Mullen erlernt
2008-2011 Studium der Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie, Universität Wien
2012-2018 Studium in Ganzheitlicher Kunsttherapie an der Akademie für Kunsttherapie Wien, inklusive Kunsttrainings in bildnerischen und darstellenden Künsten mit Kunstabschluss 2016
Seit 2018 selbstständig (Kunst & Kunsttherapie) mit Atelier in Lustenau


Es reicht vollkommen einfach da zu sein – Kunstweg am alten Rhein in Lustenau (A), g
feministival (the feminist festival) im Chybulsky in Feldkirch (A), g
Philosophy unbound – Hin-/Fortbewegung, F23 Wien (A), g
round72, Installation und digitales Kunstarchiv, Bregenz (A), g
Shame shouldn’t be a symptom bei Improper Walls, Wien (A), g

Die Kunst des Scheiterns / Art of failure, Art Gallery Vienna (A), g

Berührung in Farbe und Form beim Kunstfestival „Was berührt dich?” in Lauterach (A), s
Oilpaintings in der Wunderkammer im BOTTA in Lustenau (A), s
alive lines, KreativWerkSalon, Bregenz (A), s

Wachsen & Werden, Kunst im Glashaus bei Rosenwaibel in Mäder (A), s

Kunst(k)reise Artmosphäre, Akademie für Kunsttherapie Wien (A), g

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