Pi, Johanne

Johanne Pi, born 2000, is a self-taught artist from Denmark. She draws a lot of her inspiration from the expressive body language, that can be seen through dance and performing artists; and strives to create a language with the body that expresses without explaining. “I find something so incredibly beautiful, in how our bodies respond to one another. How an expression can communicate a feeling onto another persons body, without ever telling them why or what sparked that movement, like when you smile to a stranger, or itch your scalp in public, other people will start smiling, or itching, as well.”

She strives to convey her thoughts and feelings through bodily means and movement captured in paint, on canvas, to participate in the universal language of body, that is free to interpret in whatever way you want by anyone who sees it. So the origin is always a naked body, that doesn’t try to tell you anything specific, but shapes a narrative simply by existing. A form that is neither there to attract nor deter, is the form that Johanne Pi finds most interesting. “I don’t believe in telling myself, or anyone else how to feel. I believe in moments, I believe in not deciding who you are, but giving yourself permission to not find yourself; because the worst decisions I’ve ever made, was when I decided who I am, and then I was wrong. I follow my gut; and that is who I am.”

Johanne Pi paints when she feels at ease, for only there can she work in the unease it is to exist. Life makes its impressions on us, and we respond with expression.



"Pop-up Arts”, art festival, group

Ravnsborggade, Copenhagen, DK

“To be or not to be” exhibition with Red Carpet Art

Helligåndshuset, Copenhagen, DK

“Habitat” culture night exhibition with BGK Artlab

Toldkammeret, Helsingør, DK

“Departure in Affection” Performance with Esben Weile Kjær

Marienlyst Castle, Helsingør, DK


“Angles Mortes” video exhibition with BGK Artlab

Toldkammeret, Helsingør, DK

“Johanne Pi” solo exhibition

Kulturhus Trommen, Hørsholm, DK

“Johanne Pi x SAMVÆR” solo exhibition

Samvær dining-bar, Copenhagen, DK

“Art for the people” curated group exhibition
curated by Markus Kongstad, Kongstad Kuratering

Støberiet, Copenhagen, DK

“Danish upcoming” curated group exhibition

curated by H2O shared space and Plakatcentralen

Balticagade, Århus, DK

“Ei blot til lyst” annual exhibition with BGK Artlab

Marienlyst Castle, Helsingør, DK

Art Nordic, Art fair

Lokomotivværkstedet, Copenhagen, DK


“Johanne Pi x SAMVÆR” Solo cross-exhibition (August 2022)

Samvær dining-bar, Copenhagen, DK

“Metamorfose” curated cross-exhibition (September 2022)
curated by VOX Debut fest and Snabslanten

Huset København, Copenhagen, DK

Kunst for alle, Art fair (September/October 2022)

Lokomotivværkstedet, Copenhagen, DK

“Brief moments” exhibition with Red Carpet Art (October 2022)

Helligåndshuset, Copenhagen, DK

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